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Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hi there friends! 

Sorry I have been MIA for quite some time here lately. I went through a period of time where I was feeling not as inspired. I've been keeping up with my workouts and training, but my eating I have been embarrassed about; it's relatively healthy, but I've found myself snacking more often than I should, and snacking on unhealthy snacks. 

But I've been doing some soul searching and re-focusing, and I'm ready to get back on track! After a good conversation with one of my co-workers I realized I need to really pursue my passion. So I'd like to re-focus this blog on not only being about fitness of the body, but fitness of the mind, body, and soul. I've been doing some great readings here lately, and I'd love to share them with you, and my experiences. I've been realizing myself make excuses for my actions, but at the end of the day, it won't get me results, so I need to take charge again! 

What are these passions that I want to pursue? I'm going to get certified as a life coach and personal trainer, I feel that they go hand in hand, you can't get in the best shape of your life without reshaping your mind and soul too. Too many times we focus on our outward appearance, but what about who we are inside? I'm a believer in beauty shining from the inside out. Learning a lot about myself and what I want, I'm realizing my potential. I've had many friends reach out and tell me how I've inspired them, or made them feel good to be a woman. What they didn't realize was how much that meant to me, my passion is to inspire and speak life into others, so with that came the idea of being a life coach. Life is a gift and meant to be enjoyed and LIVED!!! If I can touch the life of just one person and make a difference, it means the world to me. 

I never knew really what my passion was, until fitness came into my life, so while I wish I didn't have to struggle with my weight, I am also thankful for it. It's opened so many doors for me that I didn't even think existed, or doors I was afraid to go through! My journey is far from over, and though I have been going over a minor bump, I know that I will persevere, stronger, and wiser in all facets. I thank my co-worker and others for reigniting my fire!! I'm thankful for each and everyone of you that follow my journey and reach out. 

Remember this acronym if you're not living your dream because of your fears: False Evidence Appearing Real; that's all it is. Choose love instead and your happiness, you are important!!!!  

So with that I am signing out for now. I will be better about updating my blog , more often. I apologize for not being so good about this in the past, but with new things to write about I should be on here more often. Get out there and make it a great day! Xoxo


Monday, March 10, 2014

My health hero

If I said I had one health hero, I'd be lying. Truth is I have several! But I'll start with who was my first health hero. When I started on this journey I had one major cheerleader and the person that helped me see that I was worth being healthy is my mom! She was the one who saw me through my best of times and worst of times. Being her daughter it was hard for her to see me young, unhealthy, and unhappy. For so long I was focused on things other than myself; finding a boyfriend, job, friends, putting others happiness before my own. She told me "Angelique, you need to learn how to love yourself first and get yourself healthy, then everything else will fall into place." 

For a while I heard what she said, but I didn't really HEAR what she said, until one day I woke up and decided I was ready to change and be the person I'm supposed to be. I put most of my focus and drive on learning to love myself and learning to take care of my health; not just body, but mind and spirit. Sure enough, things did start to fall into place. Here I am almost 2 years into my journey and I can tell you I am definitely not the same person I was 2 years ago, let alone 10 years ago! I've been following all of my dreams, not just fitness. It's truly empowered me.The great thing about my mother's push was, it was gentle. She knew I'd have to want this change for myself and she didn't ever push it onto me, she always just said things that didn't stick at the time, but were in the recesses of my mind and came out when I needed it most. So I am forever thankful for my first and biggest health hero.......my mother. 

Now as I continued on this journey I gained so many more heroes along the way, many of which were in the fitness industry and I admired for their drive and dedication to the lifestyle of being healthy and fit. To name some, Kesley Byers, Maria Kang, Bella Falconi and one in particular that I reached out to in the beginning and has since been very supportive, Hope "Smallwonder" Trask. All of these women are very empowering and supportive of other women and seeing that helps drive me to becoming better everyday, and I strive to be a positive role model to other women out there who have walked the same journey as myself. The biggest thing I've learned from my journey, and the one thing I think is important for everyone to remember is, you're in competition with no one but yourself, you should only strive to be better than the person you were yesterday. 

Some of my other heroes include all the people that have reached out to me to tell me that I've inspired them to get healthy, or get in shape. Or just those that have simply had the courage to ask questions, I know that's not easy and sometimes takes a lot to reach out. Each and every person that has reached out to me, keeps me inspired and motivated, knowing there are others looking up to me and watching me keeps me on my toes to be a positive role model for others. And lastly, I don't have children yet, but I hope to be a mother in the near future and I want to be a positive role model for my children and teach them how to be healthy and love their bodies. For so long I hated my body, but I had done the damage to myself. And mostly I want to live a long healthy life with my children, I think that's very important. I still have a long journey, a lifetime really. And I'm learning everyday, I wouldn't change one thing about my journey, it's made me the stronger person I am today. Everyday I'm thankful for all of my heroes and heroines! It's made my journey even more worth it and made it easier for me to continue on my road to success. So love yourself! Have more than one hero, but your biggest hero should be..........YOURSELF! 


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Where have I been???

Hi there!!!!! I have been MIA for quite some time now, been trying to think of something to write, as I prefer to write a blog when inspired; and I haven't been as inspired as of lately due to my minor setbacks with the holidays. I didn't completely fall off track, but I succumbed to so much snacking that I felt disappointed in myself.

A positive is that my working out didn't fall of track, in fact that was better than ever because I had time off from work; and was able to fit in twice a day workouts some days, which in turn helped me maintain my weight whilst indulging in the holiday junk. 

So how is it going for me now that the holidays have passed??? I'm still recovering LOL. Trying to get back to my clean eating ways, I'm good majority of the time. I'm just finding it harder to say no these days like I used to. Where has my willpower gone?? I think being that I am at a size I'm happy with and only really needing to lose 10-15 more lbs. I'm becoming complacent. Which is never good, and what keeps me from falling 100% off track in knowing that I never want to be where I was a little over a year ago, I won't be that girl again. 

I know though I haven't fully lost my drive nor my motivation. I had the honor of receiving this book to review as a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, and it's a 12 week program. 

So I started this program yesterday and I will follow with my regular workouts in between and more clean eating and will follow up and let you guys know how it's going as well as take progress pics. Here's my day one progress picture. 

So I know why I was MIA and it's because I felt guilty for all my bad choices, and therefore had no inspiration to write words of inspiration when I myself was falling slightly off track. But once again I'm dusting myself off and not letting it get me down or bring me back to where I used to be. So friends if you're ever feeling like I did, just remember as always, tomorrow is always a new day to start again. Just because you slipped up does not mean that you have to keep slipping up. Remember how far you've come, and know that it's worth it to keep going, you didn't work this hard for nothing! 
Signing off, and remember to Always follow your heart, never give up on your dreams, and always fuel your passion! You have but this one life, make the most of it! 

And don't forget you can find me here at my other sites! Thanks as always for taking the time to read, and cheers to a brand new day! - Angelique (AJility Fitness)